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搜索條件:書名\副題\關鍵字(The Great Detective Sherlock Holmes),共找到23條結果
#18: The Blanched Soldier
副標題 :
作者 : Lai Ho,Yu Yuen Wong,Maria Kan
分類 : F English Fiction 英文小說類
索書號 : F
關鍵字 : The Great Detective Sherlock Holmes > 大偵探福爾摩斯
#19: The Delicious Murder
#15: The Honeybee Murder
關鍵字 : The Great Detective Sherlock Holmes
#9: The Great Robbery
#17: The Circus Tragedy
#5: The Murder of the Star-Actress
#16: The Dancing Code
作者 : Lai Ho,Cheng Kong Fai, Lee Siu Tong,Maria Kan
#13: The Silent Mother
關鍵字 : The Great Detective Sherlock Holmes > Detective
#12: The Most Formidable Lady Nemesis
#14: The Dying Detective
作者 : Lai Ho,Lai Ho,Maria Kan
#2: The Greatest Jail-Breaker
#10: The Silent Call
#11: The Lethal Crystals
#6: The Fat Goose And The Blue Carbuncle
#7: Saving Gorilla
#8: The Beautiful Murder Weapon
#4: The Mystery of the Vampire
#1: The Phantom Cry
#2: The Greatest Jail - Breaker
#6: The Fat Goose and the blue Carbuncle
作者 : Lai Ho,Wong, Yu Yuen,Maria Kan