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搜索條件:作者(Yu Chun Lum),共找到21條結果
The Young Scientists: Fire in Lele Village!
副標題 :
作者 : Yu Chun Lum,Khim Looi
分類 : 500 Natural Sciences 自然科學類
索書號 : 505
關鍵字 : The Young Scientists
The Young Scientists: The Amazing Eyes of the Superfly!
The Young Scientists: Do You Want Some Sour Lemons?
The Young Scientists: Skyscrapers Waltzing with the Wind
The Young Scientists: How Much Do You Know About Coffee?
The Young Scientists: Our Subterranean Journey
The Young Scientists: Please Don't Light Up, Electrical Tester Pen!
The Young Scientists: Why Round Wheels are Better!
The Young Scientists: Tiger Sharks Do eat Everything
The Young Scientists: The Rocky Mountain Goat is a Good "Rock Climber"!
The Young Scientists: "Parasitic Demons" of the Sea
The Young Scientists: Methane- By-Product of Cattle Farming
The Young Scientists: Oh Dear! There are Seeds Dropping from the Sky!
The Young Scientists: Let's Discover the Many Uses of Olives!
The Young Scientists: Ring-Tailed Lemurs That Deliver a Letter
The Young Scientists: The Ocean is not a Rubbish Bin!
The Young Scientists: Mammoths that Roamed The Earth During The Ice Age
The Young Scientists: An Alarm Clock That Glows In The Dark!
The Young Scientists: Yikes! There are Magnesium-Deficient Giants Around!
The Young Scientists: The Eco-Friendly Straws Harmless to Sea Creatures