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搜索條件:書名\副題\關鍵字(Ghost story),共找到24條結果
Educational Progress Corporation: Book 8 -A New Ghost from an Old Story
副標題 :
作者 :
分類 : 300 Social Sciences 社會科學類
索書號 : 372.6
關鍵字 :
Stories of haunted house
作者 : Punter, Russell
分類 : F English Fiction 英文小說類
索書號 : F
關鍵字 : Haunted house > Ghost story
The spooky sound
副標題 : Step into Reading 2
作者 : Lagonegro, Melissa
關鍵字 : Cars > Ghost story
Short and shocking! : a book of very short stories with a twist in the tail
副標題 : a book of very short stories with a twist in the tail
作者 : Pearson, Maggie
關鍵字 : Ghost story > Scary story
Short and spooky!
副標題 : a book of short spooky stories
作者 : Cooper, Louise
Short and scary! : a book of very short scary stories
副標題 : a book of very short scary stories
The canterville ghost and other stories
作者 : Wilde, Oscar
關鍵字 : Ghost story > Skeleton
Tales of mystery and imagination
作者 : Poe, Edgar Allan,Naudi, Margaret
關鍵字 : Ghost story > Mystery
The phantom of the opera
作者 : Bassett, Jennifer
關鍵字 : Opera > Ghost story
The mystery at Dill Devil Hills / by Carole Marsh
作者 : Marsh, Carole
關鍵字 : Ghost story > English Fiction
Help! There's a ghost in my room! / by Judy Katschke
作者 : Katschke, Judy
關鍵字 : Ghost story > Dear Michelle
Miranda's ghosts / by Udo Weigelt ; illustrated by Christa Unzner ; translated by Marisa Miller
作者 : Weigelt, Udo
關鍵字 : Ghost story > Halloween
The mystery of the Haunted Ghost Town / by Carole Marsh
關鍵字 : Haunted House > Ghost story
The mystery on the underground railroad / by Carole Marsh
The Ghost of Pickpocket Plantation / by Carole Marsh
The Secret of Skullcracker Swamp / by Carole Marsh
The mystery of the Alamo ghost / by Carole Marsh
A ghost in the house / by Betty Ren Wright
作者 : Wright, Betty Ren
The mystery fort Thunderbost / by Carole Marsh